Haonan LIU

  • Date and place of birth: 28 May 1994, Taiyuan 03-0006, China
  • Address: East Bldg. 2 (E4-5), 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan
  • E-mail: liu(at)mct.isct.ac.jp

Haonan Liu is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Institute of Science Tokyo. After earning his B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering and Technology from Zhejiang University in 2016, Liu moved to Japan to further his studies at Tokyo Institute of Technology. He obtained his M.Eng. in 2019 and his Ph.D. in 2022. Following a one-year postdoctoral position, he became an assistant professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2023. Liu’s research interests center on polymer analysis, particularly their nanomechanical, high-pressure optical, and high-frequency dielectrical behaviors.

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